Monday, July 1, 2024

Questions asked by B1 B2 renewal in Dubai for dropbox vs interview eligibility

Were you previously issued a visa to enter the United States? 



Complete the following information from your most recently issued U.S. visa.

Visa Issuing Post Name * 

1. Dubai
2. Abu Dhabi
3. Not listed

Previous visa class *

Visa issue date*

Visa expiration date*

Is the applicant traveling from another country to apply for a visa in United Arab Emirates? *



Check all statements that apply

X is a resident of the United Arab Emirates (Check this box if the applicant has a UAE residency visa and/or an Emirati ID card)

The previous visa that X is renewing was issued after 7 February, 1987.

The prior visa and current passport of X contain the same date of birth, place of birth, and nationality or if there has been a change in name, the applicant has evidence of the official change (e.g., marriage certificate, divorce decree, court record)

X answered 'NO' to all of the 'Medical and Health', 'Criminal', 'Security' or 'Immigration Law Violation' questions on the DS-160 Visa application form.

Within the last 12 months, X was refused a U.S. visa in the same visa class for which they are applying now.

None of the above apply

Do you want to add other applicant?

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Ya ilahi meaning

يا الهي 
يا الهي
Oh My Ilah (God)
Oh My Ilah (God)

امنح العصفور ريشاً
Give Feathers (to) The Sparrow

و كذا الينبوع ماء
And likewise (Give) Water (to) The Fountain

و امنح الحملان صوف
And give Wool (to) The Lambs

و الفضا طل السماء
And The Space overlooked The Sky

و ارزق المسكين قوتاً
And (give) Livelihood of Strength (to) The Poor

و امنح المرضى الشفاء
And Give The Cure (to) The Sick 

و اجعل المأسور حراً
And Make The Captive Free

يتجه حيث يشاء
Goes Where (he) Wills 

و امنح الايتام مأوى
And Give Shelter (to) The Orphans

وذوي اليأس الرجاء
And (give) The Hopefulness (to) Those hopeless 

انت وهاب كريم، انت ينبوع السخاء
You (are) Bestower Generous, You (are) Fountain of the Generosity

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Funny patient stories

Patient: F**king Mexican, ran over my foot. F**king Mexicans I tell you!
A (Physician): Oh.
Patient: Where are you from?
A: I'm from Mexico.
Tech drawing blood from the patient: Actually, I'm Mexican too.
Patient: Well, I'm half Mexican.
Lol everyone laughed after that!

*Patient with bilateral above knee amputation is giving history to my intern and medical students*
G: *walks in*
Patient: Who are you?
G: I'm G, podiatry resident.
Patient: Guess we won't be needing you.
LOL. The patient had great sense of humor.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Favorite animated movies

Kung Fu Panda series
Finding Nemo

Toy Story series

Princess empowerment:
Frozen series

Villian empowerment:
Wreck-it Ralph

Inside Out

Dragon series
Finding Dory
Big Hero 6
Monsters Inc.
Lego movie
A bug's life