Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Alifun Ba Ta Un Sa translation from Anasheed Ul Imaan album on Sautuliman


There is a nursery rhyme on Sautuliman. It is in Arabic. I am posting the transliteration/translation of this nursery rhyme on this blog. Please correct me if I am wrong.

This post is for the Dawoodi Bohra community only.

Track name: Alifun Ba Ta Un Sa
Album: Anasheed Ul Imaan

أ الله
ب بيت
ت  تسبيح
ث ثمر
ج جمل
ح حج
خ خيل
د دار
ذ ذئب
ر رسل
ز زرع
س سحابة
ش شمس
ص صيف
ض ضاحك
ط طفل
ظ ظفر
ع عين
غ غار
ف فتح
ق قرآن
ك كهف
ل لؤلؤ
م مسجد
ن نهر
و وجه
ه‍ هدهد
ي يد
بالقران تعلمنا هذ حروف هجاء

أ الله
أ Allah for
ب بيت
ب Home for
ت  تسبيح
ت String of beads for
ث ثمر
ث Fruits for
ج جمل
ج Camel for
ح حج
ح Ismamic Pilgrimage The Hajj for
خ خيل
خ Horse for
د دار
د House for
ذ ذئب
ذ Wolf for
ر رسل
 ر Messenger for
ز زرع
ز Plantation for
س سحابة
س Cloud for
ش شمس
ش Sun for
ص صيف
ص Summer for
ض ضاحك
ض Laughter for
ط طفل
ط Child for
ظ ظفر
ظ Nails for
ع عين
ع Eye for
غ غار
غ Cave in mountain for
ف فتح
ف Conquer or Open for
ق قرآن
ق Qur'an for
ك كهف
ك Cave for
ل لؤلؤ
ل Pearl for
م مسجد
م Mosque for
ن نهر
ن River for
و وجه
و Face for
ه‍ هدهد
ه‍ Hoopoe for
ي يد
ي Hand for

بالقران تعلمنا هذ حروف هجاء

By the Qur'an, we learned these Alphabets

هذه حروف هجاء

These are the alphabets of Arabic

أ الله
اسم جلاله، عبد يبدأ منه فعال

أ  Allah for
From the name of Majesty a servant starts work

ب بيت
 لالرحمن إليه حج ذوي الايمان

ب Home for
 For Most Merciful to that pilgrimage people of faith

ت تسبيح الاطهار
هم اخيار هم ابرار

ت   Take names of *Pure (khamsat athar)
 They are good people they are righteous

ث ثمر
حلو مذاق من ذاق الاثمار اشتاق

ث Fruits for
Long for the good taste of fruit

ج جمل
ذو انواع يلج خذ عن سم الخياط

ج Camel for
Of various kinds enters takes through the needle hole
Here there is the reference of Qur'an ayat
"يلج الجمل في سم الخياط"

To those who reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance, no opening will there be of the gates of Skies of Heaven, nor will they enter the Jannat, until the camel can pass through the eye of the needle: Such is Our reward for those in sin.

ح حج
في ذي الحجة شهر فيه أمة بهجة

ح Hajj for
In Dhul Hajja in this month people festive

خ خيل
ذو الاداب حسن الهيكلة ذو الكعب

خ  Horse for
Well mannered good structure (good looking) good heels (way of running)

د دار
دار سرور فيه نزر قبة النور

د  House for
House of pleasure in it we visit the dome of light

ذ ذئب
ذو مكري مثل يضرب لشر

ذ  Wolf for

He is cunning leads to an example of evil

ر رسل
للامم محمد صلى بهم

ر  Messengers for
For the people Mohammed prayed for them

ز زرعا
 ذو حبة ينبتها محي النسمة

ز  Plantation for
It has a seed that germinates (starts growing) restores the breeze

س سحاب
سحاب في الاقتار منه تنهمر الأمطار

س  Clouds for
Clouds in trail, from it pours rain

شمس صنع قدير فيها الحر و فيه النور

ش  Sun for
Made by *Qadir (name of Allah) in which there is heat and light

ص صيف
موسم عطله موسم روح، موسم رحله

ص  Summer for
 Season of vacation, the season of livelihood, the season of picnic

ضاحك جذلا  فات يحسن العمل

means *Missed

means Mouth

If I go with the first فات
Than it means
Laughing happily missed good work

If I go with the second فاة
Then it means Laughing happily mouth or face improves work

I heard this carefully it is فات يحسن العملا
Laughing happily missed better works (good works)
يحسن العملا better work

ط طفل
حسن الشكل وهو نظيف عند الفعلي

ط  Child for
 Good looking and it is actually clean

ظ ظفر
نظفنا لو ماطلا قلمنا

ظ  Nails for
Cleaned, what if long, trimmed

ع عين
عين تبكي حسينه، تذري دموعا تحكي عين

ع  Eyes for
Eyes crying Husseinah, shedding tears tell an eye

غ غار
غار حراء في عطاء امر اقراء

غ  Cave for
Cave of Hiraa in it gave the order to *Read. (Ikra)
(Ghar Hiraa in the Mountain of Noor near Mecca, Hejaz region Saudi Arabia, it is here Rasul Allah had received his first revelation, which consisted of the first five ayats of Surah Al-Alaq from the angel Jibra'il )

ف فتح
من ربي عطى لاحمد العربي

ف  Victory for
From my Lord, given to Ahmed Al Arabi (Rasul Allah)

ق قرآن
فيه شفاء فيه نور فيه ضياء

ق  Qur'an for
In it there is healing, in it there light, it is bright

ك كهف
لقد تلا رأس الحسينه برمح على

ك  Cave for
Ras ul Hussein AS readout Surat Kahf upon spear

ل لؤلؤ
في البحري مثل كلام داعي العصري

ل  Pearl for
In the Sea like words of My Dai Zaman

م مسجد
لله فيه يؤدي كله صلاة

م  Mosque for
For Allah in it all prayers are performed

ن نهر
نهر النيل فهو لمصر خير كفيل

ن  River for
Nile River is for Egypt a good guarantor

و وجه
للبرهان فيه نور لالرحمن

و  Face for
For Burhan* in it light for Rahman*
(A proof in it there is light for Most Merciful)

ه‍ هدهد
طار بعيدا عاد حميداً عاش سعيدا

ه‍  Hoopoe for
Flew far, returned praising, lived happy

ي يد
لمولانا فضل سلام أولا نا

ي  Hand for
Hand of Maulana greetings preferred over ourself

In this, there could be another translation
1-Hand of Maulana greetings preferred our first choice
2-For Maulana remain in peace is our first choice

Khuda Taa'ala Syedna Ali Qadr maula ne qayamaat na din lag sehet ane afiyaat ma daraz ane daraz kare. Ameen!

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