Monday, August 29, 2016

Fair fights and name calling

An argument is usually caused when two people have different opinions and feel like their opinion or feeling is not respected or understood by the other. They have the urge to let out their frustration at the other. In such situations, both of them involved have to listen to what the other has to say.

Once you've heard them, you are in a better position to understand them. Once they've heard you, you feel good that your point has been put across. It resolves the fight. Apologies are exchanged =)

Name calling is a cheap tool used by those who have no other logical reasoning to do in a fight.

I hate it when people call names while having an argument. By calling someone an idiot or a moron will not help you resolve the issue.

You must fight fair. You must tell why you're angry, upset or offended by using words that express your feelings. Don't use bad words. Don't make a person who is already mad at you more angry.

State your point clearly. We are humans. We have been given the gift of communication. We are not animals that bark and bite. We talk.

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